
Major love and congratulations to January’s winner of our free monthly giveaway contest, Melissa Sims of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Melissa received an autographed 8×10 print of her favorite painting Toujours. It’s truly an honor to[…]


2013 is off to a great start start! One of the top recording studios in Los Angeles, Larabee Studios, contacted me a couple weeks ago about featuring my art work. From Michael Jackson[…]


Much love to Colorado-based, literary magazine, The Fat City Review for featuring my Dizzy painting in their newest issue. This painting continues to be a lot of fan’s favorite amongst my Jazz collection. Let[…]


Major love and congratulations to December’s winner of our free monthly giveaway contest, Jen Bender of Los Angeles, California. Jen received Muddled Love, a 24×18 acrylic painting on stretched canvas. Jen blessed me with the opportunity[…]


Waking to my 1st magazine feature of 2013 is a beautiful feeling. Much love to Denver-based, Wilde Magazine for featuring my Blemishes of Love painting in their 1st issue. Check out the screenshot[…]


Barely a week in and I’ve already been blessed with my first art show of the year this Saturday evening. I’ll be showcasing my new art at Nu-Soul Magazine’s Art + Soul event[…]


Much love to LA Weekly for featuring my art on their website. The footage is from November’s Hollywood RAWards and features my Hypnotized, Solitaire, Morning Glory, Dizzy, Primitive Lust, Blemishes of Love and[…]


Much love to Chicago-based literary arts magazine, BRICKrhetoric, for featuring my Morning Glory painting in the newest issue! Not to mention, it’s the only painting featured in the issue. This also marks my 12th[…]


Much love to, Canada-based literary magazine, S/tick for featuring my Solitaire, Chic City and Morning Glory paintings on their blog. I’ll also have a feature in S/tick’s Spring 2013 issue so keep your[…]


Much love goes to Incite Magazine for featuring my Audvantgardener, Misplaced Virtue and Blemishes of Love paintings in their very 1st issue. Check out the screen shot below.