Global Inheritance’s “Rain Supreme” Exhibit Opening Feb. 13
Words can’t express how honored I am to be a featured artist in Global Inheritance‘s Rain Supreme water preservation campaign. Each artist was given a water barrel to design that will be traveling to +30 festivals, concerts & events throughout California to educate people on battling this insane drought & ultimately redesign the way people save water. The Rain Supreme debut exhibit will occur this Saturday (2/13) from 11am-8pm at The Container Yard in Downtown LA’s Arts District (800 E 4th St, Los Angeles, CA 90013). These art and water conservation exhibits will provide attendees the opportunity to view the Rain Supreme collection as well as order their own rain barrels, find out about rain barrel rebate/discount programs in their communities and learn from water conversationists on best practices and installation tips for their homes. After exhibition, the barrels will be auctioned off to support Global Inheritance’s interactive water education programs.