
Towards the end of 2013 my Solitaire painting was personally selected to be a part of the Santa Clarita City Hall’s Shadows group exhibition. Solitaire, along with the rest of the art, has been on display since December and[…]


Much love to literary magazine, The Adirondack Review, for featuring four of my paintings in their new Summer 2013 issue. The featured pieces include Audvantgardener, Dizzy, Solitaire and Morning Glory. Check out the[…]


Much love to Australian/Canadian-based Vine Leaves Literary Journal for featuring 6 of my paintings in their newest issue. The pieces include Ascension, Audvantgardener, Blemishes of Love, Solitaire, Morning Glory and Veils of Carnality. Check out[…]


Much love to Atlanta-based, ENDEE Magazine for featuring 5 of my paintings in their newest issue. The 5 selections include It’s OK, Please Love Me, Primitive Lust, Solitaire and Narcissistic Lust. Check out[…]


Much love to Canada-based literary art magazine S/tick for featuring 3 of my paintings in their newest magazine issue. S/tick is a politically-aware women’s and feminist journal so they featured my Chic City, Morning[…]


Much love to Spittoon Magazine for featuring my art in their newest issue. My Veils of Carnality painting is featured on the cover and they also featured Misplaced Virtue, Toujours, Solitaire and Primitive[…]


Much love to LA Weekly for featuring my art on their website. The footage is from November’s Hollywood RAWards and features my Hypnotized, Solitaire, Morning Glory, Dizzy, Primitive Lust, Blemishes of Love and[…]


Much love to, Canada-based literary magazine, S/tick for featuring my Solitaire, Chic City and Morning Glory paintings on their blog. I’ll also have a feature in S/tick’s Spring 2013 issue so keep your[…]


Major shout out to DéJonDé Magazine for featuring me, along with 7 of my paintings (Solitaire, Dizzy, Primitive Lust, Morning Glory, Chic City and Ascension) on the front page of their blog! Check[…]


Much love to Turning Art for featuring my Solitaire, Audvantgardener, Chic City, Toujours and Blemishes of Love paintings on their front page. Turning Art has been featured on CNN, CBS and Inc. Magazine[…]